Wednesday, January 19, 2005

The Democrats' good cops, bad cops

Tim Herdt of the Ventura County Star's Sacramento bureau has a piece on the "Three Stooges" and the Governator.

Read it here.

The problem with all of these Democrat politicians that they have been in California government too long.....especially Sate Superitendent Jack O'Connell who although is a great guy (I do know Jack and his sister, a former CNN reporter and Thousand Oaks High School teacher) has never really had a "real job" outside of government. Jack was a high school teacher for two years and then took out his legendary card table, started walking precincts and won in safe California Assembly and State Senate Districts carved out by his mentor, former Assembly Speaker and San Francisco Mayor, Willie Brown.

To think real budget reform will ever pass the Democrat controlled legislature is a pipe dream.

The "Three Stooges" real agenda is to soften up the Governator's popularity and to defeat his initiatives this November.

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