The confirmation of John Bolton has been delayed again by U.S. Senate Democrats. Read the story here:
Democrats forced a postponement Thursday in a confirmation vote for John R. Bolton, yet another setback for
President Bush's tough-talking choice as U.N. ambassador and a renewal of intense partisanship in the Senate after a brief respite.
The vote to advance Bolton's nomination to an immediate confirmation vote was 56-42 — four short of the 60 votes needed.
Within minutes, aides to Sen. Majority Leader Bill Frist said Democratic leader Harry Reid had offered assurances earlier in the day that obtaining the 60 votes would be a mere formality.
"I never said that," Reid told reporters as he ducked into a post-vote meeting in Frist's office.
Democratic aides said that despite the vote, Bolton's nomination did not appear to be in jeopardy.
Yeah, right! The Lefties haven't found anything damning yet but want some classified material to leak so they can claim some fabricated issue.
By the way, Bolton has been confirmed by the Senate three times previously.
A final vote on Bolton, whom Bush has called strong medicine for corruption and inefficiency at the
United Nations, will not take place until at least June, after the Senate returns from a Memorial Day recess.
The dramatic roll call raised questions about Bush's ability to win confirmation of some of his more ideological appointees as he begins his second term in the White House. And it was a setback for Frist, R-Tenn., who was hoping to end nearly three months of delays and investigation and finally deliver Bolton's nomination for the president.
Frist said the Bolton matter soured the air of cooperation the two parties' centrists forged just days ago after months of wrangling over judges.
"John Bolton, the very first issue we turned to, we got what looks to me like a filibuster," Frist said. "It certainly sounds like a filibuster ... it quacks like a filibuster."
Flap reported on that DEAL previously here and here.
This DEAL is a short-lived exercise in futility and Harry Reid should be held accountable by Bill Frist.
The Nuclear Constitutional Option is back on the table - the Democrats have abrogated the DEAL.
Will Bill Frist have the intestinal fortitude to call it up? Or will he be John McCain's lackey - again?
Democrats contended the White House had stiff-armed the Senate over classified information on Bolton's tenure in his current job as the State Department's arms control chief, and demanded more information before the Senate can give Bolton an up-or-down vote.
Bush has called Bolton strong medicine for corruption and inefficiency at the United Nations, but Democrats said he is an ideologue who lacks the diplomatic touch to advance U.S. interests at the world body and repair the American image abroad.
Sen. Joseph Biden D-Del., said Democrats do not want to postpone an up-or-down vote indefinitely.
"We are willing to vote 10 minutes after we get back in session, if in fact they provide the information," Biden said.
The material Democrats have sought for weeks involves Bolton's use of government intelligence on Syria, and instances in which he asked for names of fellow U.S. officials whose communications were secretly picked up by a spy agency.
Senator Biden speaks wrongly and with a shovel.
What a plagiarising moron!
Bolton deserves confirmation not delay.
H/T: Huffington Post
Update #1
Hugh Hewitt supports the notion that the DEAL has been breached:
So much for the new era of bipartisanship Monday's "deal" was supposed to kick off. The Democrats filibusterd John Bolton today, obliging America's U.N. seat to remain vacant during the looming elections. Earlier today, in a speech at the National Press Club, Reid had promised a new era in the Senate: "Ameicans want us to put the commmonsense center ahead of nonsense."
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