Tuesday, June 21, 2005

FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog: A Proud Host of the Summer Bear Flag League Conference

The Bear Flag League - a coalition of conservative leaning bloggers in California - will be holding its annual Summer Conference, Sunday, July 17th, 2005 at The Avery House on the campus of CalTech in Pasadena. The title of the conference is Preparing for 2006: Bloggers Gaining Access.

As the influence of blogs grows, more often bloggers are gathering news directly in addition to commenting on stories from the traditional press. The Bear Flag League's conference seeks to bring bloggers and newsmakers together.

Scheduled to speak are former California Assembly Speaker and Los Angeles Mayoral candidate Bob Hertzberg, Sacramento Bee columnist Dan Weintraub, editor of The California Target Book and former GOP consultant Alan Hoffenblum, and People's Advocate leader and Gray Davis recall architect Ted Costa.

Two panel discussions are scheduled, Blogs as Part of a Political Campaign and How Blogs Impact Campaigns and Make Policy. The panels will be moderated by Scott Schmidt, former Communcations Director, Log Cabin California.

The event is hosted by blogs Calblog, FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog, Irish Lass, and Local Liberty Blog and co-hosted by Boi from Troy, and The Pirate's Blog.

Registration for the conference is $50 and includes lunch. To register, click here.

Hat Tip: Mayor Sam

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:50 PM

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