Monday, October 30, 2006

Global War on Terror Watch: Aussie Sheik Mohammed Omran - Judges Discriminate Against Muslim Rapists


The Australian (Via LGF): Muslim controversy spreads to Melbourne

Just as Sydney’s Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly takes leave after his comments about women, the spotlight fell on comments by a Melbourne cleric, Sheik Mohammed Omran.

Sheik Omran reportedly told his flock on Friday judges discriminate against Muslim rapists.

He said rapes committed by Australian non-Muslims such as bikies or football stars were treated more leniently than those committed by Muslims, The Australian reports.

“I feel there is no justice here. Not 60 years and someone else three years, and they did the same crime. Why?,” Sheik Omran told worshippers at his Brunswick mosque.

“They make a big fuss about these kids because one of them, his name is Mohamed.

“Even if you kill someone you don’t go for 60 years.”

It is believed he was referring to notorious Sydney gang rapist Bilal Skaf, a Muslim sentenced to 55 years jail for a series of rapes in 2000.

“This is where everything has gone unbalanced,” Sheik Omran said. “We don’t support criminals or crimes, but at the same time we want justice for everyone.”

Sheik Omran also reportedly strongly defended Sheik Hilaly.

Oh and why not give special dispensation to the Muslim rapist? These women had it coming - they were UNCOVERED MEAT, right?

More 7th century “ENLIGHTENED” ideology from the radical Islamists.

In the meantime, Sydney’s Senior Muslim cleric, the proclaimer of UNCOVERED MEAT has asked for an indefinite leave from his duties.

Sheik Hilaly has asked for indefinite leave from his duties as Australia’s senior Muslim cleric.

On a dramatic day in which he collapsed and was rushed to hospital, the strain was showing on the religious leader whose comments comparing immodestly dressed women to pieces of meat have ignited a firestorm of controversy.

The sheik collapsed with chest pains during a meeting with Muslim leaders at Sydney’s Lakemba Mosque that was to have decided his future.

Stay tuned……..


Australian Sheik Taj Aldin al-Hilali Watch: Will Resign - “After We Clean the World of the White House First”

Cross-Posted from FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog

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